Understanding Phytophthora: Pathogen Biology and Diagnostics Basics

Clean Production Benches for CA Native Nursery Stock

Event Date

University of California, Davis, Hutchison Hall Room 103


  • Dr. Johanna Del Castillo, Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension, Nursery Pathologist, UC Davis
  • Dr. Sebastian Fajardo, Post-Doc, Rizzo Lab, UC Davis
  • Dr. Ruchika Kashyap, Post-Doc, Del Castillo Lab, UC  Davis

Workshop Highlights: 

  • Understanding Phytophthora: Explore the biology and ecological implications
  • Detection and Prevention Techniques: Learn effective methods to identify and prevent Phytophthora infections in native plant nurseries
  • Best Practices in Restoration Nurseries: Round table to discuss AIR Program Best Management Practices
  • Tour to Foundation Plant Services: https://fps.ucdavis.edu/
  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in hands-on activities and discussions

We invite you to share with us your best management practices and voice your concerns regarding this troublesome plant pathogen. So, join us for an informative workshop together with your peers. 

Who Should Attend: Restoration and native plant nursery growers, vegetation ecologists, plant pathologists, regulators, and others interested in sustaining plant health and preventing Phytophthora and other plant pathogens. 

Parking Information: For visitor parking info see https://taps.ucdavis.edu/visitor

Visitor Parking Location Options: 

Pavilion Structure: https://maps.app.goo.gl/sfNnTM9XZuGTeXqUA

Visitor Parking Lot 25: https://maps.app.goo.gl/v7SuY1edfodV1Fga8


Registration Information: Please use the following Eventbrite link to register:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-phytophthora-pathogen-biology-and-diagnostics-basics-tickets-825676840657?aff=oddtdtcreator


For additional Information please contact jdelcastillo@ucdavis.edu

Sponsors: University of California Davis, UC ANR, US Forest Service (USFS), California Native Plant Society (CNPS), Santa Clara Valley Water District